Solar Water Heater

You Can Easily Build Your Own Solar Water Heater and Save up to 33% Off Your Electric Bill Every Month While Helping the Environment.

Our do-it-yourself solar water heater guide is easy to follow with step-by-step instructions and is extremely affordable!
Description: checkbox_r Works in warm and cold climates
Description: checkbox_r Will greatly improve your homes energy efficiency
Description: checkbox_r Boost performance while reducing electricity usage
Description: checkbox_r Works anywhere in the world
Description: checkbox_r 100% safe/legal - guaranteed!
Description: checkbox_r Get set up for the cheapest, best value price.

Description: checkbox_r Enjoy incredible savings on your electric bill.
Description: checkbox_r Build your water heater for the lowest price. Similar water heaters cost $1000 and up!
Description: checkbox_r This system can be built in as little as a weekend.

Our easy step by step guide will show you several different plans to build your very own solar water heater system. These plans are easy enough for anyone to follow and will give you the option of how you would like to set up and install your water heater. You can build an entire system for less than $70. Once installed, you will be saving up to 1/3 of your electric bill each and every month.

Description: heater1
 How Much Does it Cost?
The guide is for sale today and all of the raw materials cost less than $70 and are easy to find at your local hardware.
This guide includes over 90 pages of detailed instructions that are very easy to follow. There are several different plans for building your own solar water heater.

How Safe is it?
Solar hot water systems produce clean, non-polluting energy. A single hot water system can offset the equivalent of approximately 40% of the carbon dioxide emissions of a modern passenger car. They are safe for our environment, safe for plants, safe for animals and safe for all of us.
By following the step by step directions contained within our guide, you will be able to build and install your solar water heating system. A solar water heater poses no threat to the operation of your existing water heater. In fact, installing a solar water heater can prolong the life of your conventional water heater.
Description: heater

For Sale For A Limited Time!
Our do-it-yourself guide is currently for sale for $29.99
We priced our guide this low to make it easily affordable for everyone.
All of the raw materials are very cheap and can be found for less than $70. Our guide is compact with clear illustrations and step-by-step, easy to follow information which gives the best results, giving you incredible value and enabling you to get set up in no time at all.
Our guide is simple enough for even a novice to follow.
Once you have this technology installed, you can expect to save money every month for many years into the future. That's savings for a one-time payment of just $29.99
Pre-built systems cost well over $1000 and are worth every penny, however, these take a lot longer to pay for themselves. Our system will pay for itself easily within 1 month.
Start enjoying the benefits of a solar powered water heater today like thousands of other happy customers around the world! 

 click this out:SimpleHeaters.Com

Six HUGE Mega-Bonuses Valued

Bonus #1
A Complete Think Green, Act Green Handbook For Earth Friendly People
($37 Value)
All game for green living?  Good.  Green living can not only save you money but it can make the world we live in a MUCH better place.  You can really get a head start at home with The Green Clean Book but this guide makes a perfect companion piece that will show you how to Go Green in other areas.
With this guide you will discover:
  • How you can really make a difference by eating, drinking and thinking green.
  • How a policy of ‘zero waste, full recycle can help you can the planet.
  • Eco-friendly fashion for ecological well being.
  • The emerging concept of ‘Green offices’.
  • Green travel and communication for a greener world.
  • Adopting a green lifestyle at home (including fun green furnishings).

Bonus #2
Gas Saving Secrets Exposed
($47 Value)

Nothing ‘drinks’ your money away faster than your vehicle.
If you do not know how to manage fuel efficiently, you would be racking up debts faster than you can say “save gas”.
With this book, you will learn everything you need to know about managing fuel consumption, car maintenance, vehicle efficiency and many other methods that will help you to save money at the pump.
Here’s what Gas Saving Secrets Exposed will show you:
  • How your style of driving could be “draining your gas tank dry”.
  • The secret about Cruise Control that most people don’t know.
  • What’s your correct tire pressure?  Knowing this could save you gas.
  • The secrets behind the gas saving “Pulse and Glide”.
  • Why and how you should ride the slipstream for extra gas savings.
  • Are you using the right oil?  If not you may be using too much gas.
  • What you should absolutely know about your air filter and saving gas.
  • Tips about your gas tank  you won’t find anywhere else.
  • And more!
Bonus #3
Saving Money POWER Tips
($37 Value)

With this powerful guide you can learn tricks and techniques that most people are unaware of for saving money.  You’ll learn how to have more money in your pocket so you can actually AFFORD the things you want.
This guide will help you save so you can pay off your debts and cut your bills down dramatically.
With Saving Money Power Tips you’ll discover:
  • How to spend less money everyday so that you can have more money saved to buy the things you REALLY want.
  • How to cut down on the cost of your bills.
  • How to save money on your car.
  • Tricks and tips for saving money at home that will put more money in your wallet.
  • How to get started with saving and having more money NOW.
  • And more!
Bonus #4
Building Your Own Greenhouse
($47 Value)

Have you ever wanted to build your own greenhouse, but could not because you did not know much about it? This excellent guide simplifies the task of greenhouse building and maintenance.
The tips, ideas, and strategies presented not only inform you about the various types of greenhouses, but also about greenhouse equipment. In addition, it offers valuable tips on growing amazing greenhouse plants.
With Building Your Own Greenhouse you’ll discover:
  • The guidelines for constructing your commercial greenhouse.
  • How to effectively manage your greenhouse’s climate.
  • The supplies and equipment you’ll need for a more productive greenhouse.
  • The purposes of hydroponics greenhouses.
  • What you get from lean-to greenhouses.
  • Building an easy and cost-effective greenhouse in your own back yard.
  • The 5 essentials for a commercial greenhouse.
  • And much more!
Bonus #5
Organic Gardening Made Easy
($27 Value)
Why not start your own organic vegetable garden right in your own backyard?  This will provide you and your family with organic vegetables nearly all year round at a MUCH lower price than you would ever hope to pay at a grocery store.
Here’s what you’ll uncover in this Organic Gardening Guide:
  • Why you should ONLY grow organically.
  • Which supplies are MUST HAVES if you want your garden to grow successfully.
  • How to figure out exactly what to grow in your new, lush garden.
  • How to plant seeds successfully to guarantee they sprout.
  • How to make your garden thrive so your plants come out fresh and delicious.
  • How to fix problems that most new garden growers run into.
  • The right and most effective way to harvest your organic vegetables.
  • How to store your newly harvested vegetables to get the longest life out of them.
Bonus #6
Everyday Energy Tips
($37 Value)
The average family currently spends $1600 each year on utilities, and that amount is expected to rise drastically this year. A lot of the energy costs for a typical home is wasted though and this is where you can save 10% to 50% on your utility bills.
The trick to getting the most savings is to use a whole house approach, from the roof, walls, and insulation that enclose it to the appliances and lights inside, using the simple and practical tips you will find in Everyday Energy Tips.
It’s up to you, put more money in the pockets of big oil and foreign governments or save hundreds and help the environment at the same time with a little effort and the tips in this eBook.
In Everyday Energy Tips you will learn:
  • How to find energy leaks in your home and fix them.
  • Low cost ways to seal your windows against energy loss.
  • How your landscaping can save you money.
  • How to determine if you have enough insulation and where to add insulation for the most savings.
  • And many more money saving tips!
You definitely don’t want to miss out on these amazing bonuses.
They’ll help you take your GREEN to an entirely new level… a level that you couldn’t have even dreamed was possible a few short moments ago!

click this out: TheGreenCleanBook.Com

The Green Clean Book

Going Green Just Got Cheap And Easy!

Going green is not just a fad. It’s a real change in your life. It’s a change that not only “lessens” your footprint on the world but also ensures that you don’t suffer illnesses brought on by toxins and dangerous chemicals.
  • Did you know that the EPA determined indoor air pollution in people’s homes to be 2 to 5 times more dangerous than outdoor air pollution?  And that chemical based cleaning products were mostly to blame?
  • Did you know that chemical based cleaning products have been linked to asthma, cancer, depression, birth defects, autism, and more.
  • Did you know that millions of gallons of chemicals are dumped down drains every year that eventually make their way into the ecosystem to be absorbed by plants and the tissue of fish and wildlife?

It’s Time For A Big Change.  It’s Time To Go Green!

And this doesn’t have to be an expensive change. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars a year to accomplish it. Actually, you can start going green with just a few things you probably already have in your kitchen right now.
With a few simple ingredients you can clean your entire home. And I’m not talking about simply wiping away some dust. I’m talking about DEEP-CLEANING!
I’m talking about baked on grease and stained tile. I’m talking about grass stains and carpet odors. I’m talking decking, concrete, laundry, kitchen, bathroom, garden, pets, furniture and more…
…stuff that you didn’t think homemade green cleaners had the power to clean.
But they do. And what’s even better is that they’re CHEAP!

Clean Your Home For An ENTIRE YEAR For The Price Of One Movie Ticket!

One of the best benefits of green cleaning is that it’s VERY inexpensive. The ingredients are all simple and natural and most people already have them stored in their kitchen.
If you want to go green with your cleaning you won’t even have to make a trip to the store. You can start right away.
And when you do start you can take that money that you were going to spend on chemical cleaning products and use it for other things like car payments, rent, food, clothes or a nice two-week Caribbean cruise!
Going green has soooo many benefits.

What’s The Secret To Effective Green Cleaning?

Most people are a little afraid that if they throw out their chemical cleaners that natural replacements may not work as well.
They’re afraid that they may end up being “dirty hippies.”
I’m here to personally tell you that this is not the case. I’m no “dirty hippy” (although there’s nothing wrong with that).
I have been green cleaning for 4 years now and have tried just about every single different green cleaning recipe I could find.
I spent a LOT of time testing and researching which green cleaning formulas would work best for each specific type of cleaning job.
I mixed and matched and tested and tried just about every combination of ingredients until I had each formula perfected.
Then, when the formula was perfected I typed it into a file on my computer for safe keeping.
Over the course of 4 years I have created a “master list” of over 120 formulas that are super-effective, easy to make, and incredibly cheap.
I use these formulas for everything from overnight oven cleaning to unclogging my shower head.
For the longest time this list was only on my computer and only available to me (and my immediate family).
But now I’m proud to say that…

YOU have the opportunity to gain access to my “master list” of over 120 green cleaning recipes that will save you thousands a year and help you safely and effectively clean your home…

Recently I was on a forum talking to people who were looking for green cleaning formulas and they were talking about how they couldn’t find any that they liked. They didn’t like the smell, or they they didn’t think it had enough cleaning power, etc.
And this got me thinking. I had my formulas and I knew they were really effective. Why not provide this information for others. Why not “end their search” for the perfect green cleaning recipes.
Why not provide them access to my “master list” of green cleaning formulas so they don’t have to do what I did and spend years testing and researching.
It hit me like a ton of bricks! Why not put it all in a book and provide it to those who are looking for the perfect green cleaning solution.
And I’ll provide it dirt cheap because I know going green in other areas can be somewhat expensive and this will be a way to help people go green and save money at the same time.
So I created The Green Clean Book. It encompasses everything that I learned about green cleaning in the last 4 years. EVERYTHING!
Here’s just a sample of what my book can help you do…
  • Soften and brighten the dazzling colors of your clothes
  • Dissolve viscous kitchen grease
  • Bring out the intense brilliance of your wood floors
  • Melt away the “baked-on black stuff” in your oven
  • Buff and polish tile and porcelain
  • Remove odors and stains from carpet so they look and feel new
  • Disinfect your kitchen
  • Abolish hard water stains
  • What plants to keep to create oxygen, remove airborne chemicals, and balance humidity
  • Prevent cooking odors from stinking up the house
  • Remove and prevent mold and mildew build up on grout
  • Easily remove hard water mineral deposit clogging a shower head
  • Clean fiberglass, ceramic, stainless steel, porcelain, chrome or enamel fixtures
  • Eradicate stubborn stains on ANY surface with two simple ingredients
  • Easily clean brickwork, concrete, and decking
  • And Much More!!!
This book has everything you need to make your home immaculately clean without the use of a single harsh chemical! You get it all from formulas for all-purpose cleaners to more specific formulas like oven cleaner, wood polish, dish washing liquid, dryer sheets and more.

click this out: TheGreenCleanBook.Com

Save 50% on Gasoline With hho-Booster

HHO Booster will make your car
a Water Hybrid and will Save you
Hundreds on Fuel costs!

Big Oil Companies Don't Want You To Know the Secret
That Hydrogen Fuel
Is Far Cheaper, Safer
And More Powerful
Than Any Other Existing Fuel Today...
Moreover, it can be easily produced using a homemade generator with plain water and is guaranteed to increase your gas mileage!

If you want to ...
  • Reduce your fuel cost with Hundreds of dollars every month ...
  • Increase the engine's horsepower and torque ...
  • Make your car's engine live longer with less costs ...
Then this is probably the most important
message that you'll ever read.
    Your engine efficiency
Did you know that a modern gasoline engine has an average efficiency of about 25 to 30%. In other words, 70 to 75% of the energy stored in that expensive fuel wastes as heat, pollution (unburned fuel!) and vibration, and only about 25% of energy moves the vehicle. Here you can find out how to build a hydrogen fuel cell for your car, that will make your car more efficient and cut your gas bill in half increasing your car's performance.
    How does HHO Booster work?

It's very simple really. You don't touch your engine. A small container is placed in the car, somewhere under the hood. You fill it with water. The device is supplied with electricity (12 Volts) from the battery, and via electrolysis it produces HHO gas (Hydrogen+Oxygen, Oxyhydrogen)
water booster
The HHO gas is supplied to the engine via intake manifold or carb. The gas then helps your gasoline burn more efficiently, while producing its own combustion. That added combustion of the hydrogen gives you more power, and ultimately requires less gasoline to run your engine, resulting, in better gas mileage. to It seems like it violates the laws of physics? But it doesn't. We know that splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen by electrolysis requires more energy than you get by burning the hydrogen produced. But in our case HHO gas acts as a catalyst to better burn your gasoline and is increasing your engine efficiency.

Basically you will be using a HHO Booster system to turn your car into a hybrid, instead of having to buy one. HHO booster is a Do-It-Yourself, affordable and SIMPLE technology.

    So how would a HHO generator help save you money?
Stop and think about what happens in an engine that does not use hydrogen. Every fuel molecule that is not burned by your engine is wasted money out of your pocket.
HHO booster helps your gasoline burn more efficiently and increases your vehicle's gas mileage between 25% and 50%.
Now, consider for a moment that your vehicle has a 20 gallon gas tank and averages around 25 miles per gallon.
At 25%, you would be getting 125 more miles out of each tank of gas you put into your car.
That averages out to $15.00 of savings each time you fill up.
If your vehicle's mileage increases by 35% by installing a supplemental hydrogen generator, you will save $21.00 each time you fill up your tank.
That means a savings of almost $105 per month. That is $1260 per year! Every year!

    How safe is it?
The process is very safe because the combustible gas is extracted on demand and burned steadily from the water, unlike larger volumes of pure hydrogen which are highly flammable.
Our generator produces hydrogen as your car needs it, rather than using storage tanks. Thousands of cars have been safely converted without any issues or incidents.
Best of all, this conversion process is completely reversible so it will not void your auto manufacturers warranty. It simply acts as an add-on to significantly increase your fuel efficiency.

    But Won't It Damage My Car?
We get this question all the time. The answer is simple: Your car is being damaged right now by unburned fuel! Our devices help not only eliminate carbon deposits caused by unburned gasoline - but will ACTIVELY clean out your engine every time you drive. Over the first few weeks you will notice that the engine becomes smoother and smoother. Then it will level off at a new level - at which the engine continues to steam-clean itself every day!
Every HHO booster device we've installed makes the engine more quiet & calm. It stops knocking or "pinging". The HHO gas changes the combustion cycle and makes it more even or "round". This happens immediately upon installation, and from that moment on your engine works in a new mode. The effect is not only less noise, it's also less vibration, resulting in reduced strain on the transmission leading to smoother gear shifts, cleaner pistons and valves, and generally better engine operation.
All of the above happens without losing engine power. In fact, any Drive on Water device widens the torque range and makes the vehicle accelerate faster. After acceleration, you don't have to press the gas pedal as much to keep riding.
Easy undo: Our technology does not change your vehicle's engine or computer, so if you ever decide that you want to remove the device, simply unhook it, and in about one minute or less your car is just as it was, only cleaner!

    Driving tips with your new Device
This device is like another source of gas for your engine, almost like high performance race cars, when they supplement with Nitrous, or other Alcohols. When you are driving with this device installed in your car, you will find that you need to apply less pressure to the gas pedal while still driving as fast as you normally do. The device continuously adds hydrogen and extra oxygen to your engine, resulting in continuous power boost, whether accelerating, driving up hill, or cruising down the highway.
With some installations, the "idle" can be adjusted, due to the fact that you are using far less gas, when at idle speeds.
Experiment, learn the feel of your newly improved vehicle. When you get to the desired speed on the highway, let some pressure off the gas pedal, and feel the car almost coasting with the extra boost from the device.
    Can I buy an assembled hydrogen generator?
A lot of companies are selling hydrogen generators for $1,000-$5,000 and they are worth every penny. However, they take over a year to pay for themselves.
Example: H Generators
They are making really big money on this simple technology. And You can get all the secrets for as low as $29! If you are not a technician or don't have time to assemble HHO Booster by yourself, you'll be able to buy a ready-to-install Hydrogen Booster for as low as $200!

    What you get here for only $29
1. The complete illustrated guide to building you own HHO Booster and installing it to your car. (Guaranteed to increase your gas mileage by at least 25%)
2. 5 different plans of hydrogen generators (from simple to complex and very powerful)
3. Access to Real-Life Systems suppliers
click this out: Hho-Booster.Info

DIY Solar Water Heater

BONUS #1 – Solar Power For Energy
Description: solarpowermed2
Here is what you will learn inside this guide....
  • Just what solar power is and how it can be beneficial to your daily life.
  • The reasons why solar power has been ignored in the past and why it is now important for the future.
  • How to find the right solar energy products for you and how you can implement them in your life
  • What new solar power technology is out there and why you might want to use it to get your utility costs down.
  • How to incorporate different kinds of alternative energy to combine with your solar power to save money.
  • Which breakthrough companies have been developing new solar power technology and what companies you might want to invest in.
  • And a lot more!

Value: $39.95 yours FREE
BONUS #2 – Energy Saving Tips
Description: energytipsbk
The average family currently spends $1600 each year on utilities, and that amount is expected to rise drastically this year. A lot of the energy costs for a typical home is wasted though and this is where you can save 10% to 50% on your utility bills.

The trick to getting the most savings is to use a whole house approach, from the roof, walls, and insulation that enclose it to the appliances and lights inside, using the simple and practical tips you will find in No-Cost and Low-Cost Energy Saving Tips For Your Home.
Value: $39.95 yours FREE
BONUS #3 – Go Green Save Green
Description: GoGreenSaveGreenatst1e
Go Green - Save Green And Make A MASSIVE Difference...
125 Ways To Save Money ... and Still Be Green!
* How to save one ton of carbon each year by boiling water properly - (page 6)
* How to save up to $2000 per year in health cost and still help the environment - (page 9)
* How to save 15% of your household's water consumption with a simple device that cost next to nothing - (page 13)
* How to save 10% in energy cost drying your clothes by throwing in one item in every load of clothes you dry - (page 18)
* How to save an additional 5% off your electrical bill each year at a flick of a switch, not what you would think - (page 19)
* How to save 3,000 gallons of water saved each year without getting out of the shower sooner - (page 21)
* How to get free heat by throwing a party - (page 23)
* How to reduce heat loss in windows up to 45% without upgrading your windows - (page 26)
* How to reduce your water usage by adding one little item to your soil while growing better looking plants - (page 30)
* How to reduce your computer energy needs by 20% by knowing which computer to buy - (page 32)
* How to save several hundred dollars per year in fuel by doing one simple thing before starting your car - (page 38)
* How to save about 175 pounds of paper yearly with simple and free methods - (page 41)
* How to squeeze more out of traveling without cramming that saves you money and is great for the environment - (page 44)
* How to save up to 80% in fuel cost knowing which foods to buy - (page 49)

Value: $39.95 yours FREE
BONUS #4 – Living Green
Description: LivingGreen_200
Some of the things you will learn in this How to Live Green Ebook include:
  • Recycling
  • Save as much power as possible
  • Organic gardening and lawn care
“How to Live Green: Tips for Reducing your Carbon Footprint”

Value: $29.95 yours FREE

click this out:SolarWaterHeater.Com