DIY Solar Water Heater

BONUS #1 – Solar Power For Energy
Description: solarpowermed2
Here is what you will learn inside this guide....
  • Just what solar power is and how it can be beneficial to your daily life.
  • The reasons why solar power has been ignored in the past and why it is now important for the future.
  • How to find the right solar energy products for you and how you can implement them in your life
  • What new solar power technology is out there and why you might want to use it to get your utility costs down.
  • How to incorporate different kinds of alternative energy to combine with your solar power to save money.
  • Which breakthrough companies have been developing new solar power technology and what companies you might want to invest in.
  • And a lot more!

Value: $39.95 yours FREE
BONUS #2 – Energy Saving Tips
Description: energytipsbk
The average family currently spends $1600 each year on utilities, and that amount is expected to rise drastically this year. A lot of the energy costs for a typical home is wasted though and this is where you can save 10% to 50% on your utility bills.

The trick to getting the most savings is to use a whole house approach, from the roof, walls, and insulation that enclose it to the appliances and lights inside, using the simple and practical tips you will find in No-Cost and Low-Cost Energy Saving Tips For Your Home.
Value: $39.95 yours FREE
BONUS #3 – Go Green Save Green
Description: GoGreenSaveGreenatst1e
Go Green - Save Green And Make A MASSIVE Difference...
125 Ways To Save Money ... and Still Be Green!
* How to save one ton of carbon each year by boiling water properly - (page 6)
* How to save up to $2000 per year in health cost and still help the environment - (page 9)
* How to save 15% of your household's water consumption with a simple device that cost next to nothing - (page 13)
* How to save 10% in energy cost drying your clothes by throwing in one item in every load of clothes you dry - (page 18)
* How to save an additional 5% off your electrical bill each year at a flick of a switch, not what you would think - (page 19)
* How to save 3,000 gallons of water saved each year without getting out of the shower sooner - (page 21)
* How to get free heat by throwing a party - (page 23)
* How to reduce heat loss in windows up to 45% without upgrading your windows - (page 26)
* How to reduce your water usage by adding one little item to your soil while growing better looking plants - (page 30)
* How to reduce your computer energy needs by 20% by knowing which computer to buy - (page 32)
* How to save several hundred dollars per year in fuel by doing one simple thing before starting your car - (page 38)
* How to save about 175 pounds of paper yearly with simple and free methods - (page 41)
* How to squeeze more out of traveling without cramming that saves you money and is great for the environment - (page 44)
* How to save up to 80% in fuel cost knowing which foods to buy - (page 49)

Value: $39.95 yours FREE
BONUS #4 – Living Green
Description: LivingGreen_200
Some of the things you will learn in this How to Live Green Ebook include:
  • Recycling
  • Save as much power as possible
  • Organic gardening and lawn care
“How to Live Green: Tips for Reducing your Carbon Footprint”

Value: $29.95 yours FREE

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